The Spider, originally called Tiny Taper, was designed by Jens Quistgaard for Dansk Designs in 1962. Cast iron candleholder for up to 12 Tiny Tapers, with a rough, sandy black finish. With its two-tiered holders, it resembles a spider in shape – and thus commonly referred to as the Spider. The base ‘feet’ are finished with smooth black enameled pads to avoid scratching to the furniture on which it stands.
The Spider was also made with an enameled finish in different colors.
Model no.: 1424 / 1724 Designer: Jens Harald Quistgaard Produced by: DANSK DESIGNS Design year: 1962 Dimensions: Diameter: 4.1″ (10,5 cm) Height: 1.4″ (3,5 cm)
We have these original vintage DANSK Spider candleholders for sale